zombos’ heights

Pamitu, managed by Tartizo, Gilbert, Ben, and Molli, is one of the longest-established micro stations in the Zombo area. Dating from the 1960s’ this is still a traditionally-run farmer cooperative society. It is also one of the first micro stations Zombo worked with.

With guidance from Andy, who worked for Twin UK then, and with funding from Oxfam, the members constructed a drying shed and started operations in 2015. In 2021, Pamitu women’s natural coffee scored 87 and was auctioned at USD 5.62 per lb when the international market price was below 1.50 per lb. Their coffee is to be certified organic soon.





1,641 metres above sea level.



Pamitu produces some of the best coffee in Zombo, both fully-washed and natural processes.


Fully-washed: the red-ripe cherry coffee is harvested by the farmer and brought to the microstation the same day. It is inspected and hand-sorted for defects, then immersed in water to remove floaters. Coffee is then weighed and a buying note is issued to the farmer, along with cash payment.

Natural: coffee is harvested, hand-sorted and floated. Instead of being pulped like a “washed” coffee, it is dried inside the cherry.  It takes more time and more space than washed coffee to produce a good natural.  That means considerably more investment by the microstation in drying space, and Zombo helps with this. Coffee then dries in full sun in the first few days. The women then deliver their cherry coffee to the microstation as individuals, and it is processed separately. 


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Watch this video to learn more about Zombo and its microstations.