"Gonyobendo" in the Alur language means: "take the baby off your back," perhaps because this microstation is situated halfway up a long, arduous climb on the way to the local trading center at Erussi, and because of its big shady trees and a running stream.

However, farmers in Gonyobendo do not rest that much and their hard work has taken them far. Today Gonyobendo is the biggest of the 10 Zombo Coffee Partner microstations, buying from more than 300 farmers and producing more than 30 tonnes of parchment coffee each season. It is managed by a team of four brothers: Charles, Alex, Collins, and Alfred. They are a highly entrepreneurial team, working round the clock to ensure they get the quantity and quality of coffee cherries to meet their targets. Deo, the community-based trainer, assists their processes.





1495 metres above sea level.



Gonyobendo is the biggest of the 10 Zombo Coffee Partner microstations, buying from more than 300 farmers and producing more than 30 tonnes of parchment coffee each season. The Gonyobendo team produces fully-washed coffee using a two-stage Penagos pulper.


Fully-washed. The red-ripe cherry coffee is harvested by the farmer and brought to the microstation the same day. It is inspected and if necessary hand-sorted for defects, then immersed in water to remove floaters. It is then weighed and a buying note is issued to the farmer, along with cash payment. The cherry is pulped on the same day as it was delivered.


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