where innovation and tradition meet
In 2021, Zombo coffee partners built their own coffee factory at Jukia Hill which came into operation in 2022. This is where the dry coffee is brought to be made into export quality. They have employed women from the farms around the factory for hand sorting. Jukia microstation currently has 300 registered members from whom it buys cherries and uses specific fermentation techniques to processes them in a natural way.
The land around this factory was cleared in 2021 and was planted with SL14, robusta, SL28, Excelsa which were left on their own long enough until Lucy arrived at Zombo. Lucy was appointed as the caretaker of the gardens surrounding Jukia Park, overseeing the maintenance and health of the coffee plants and other vegetation. She has been tending to these plants and turning their garden into a paradise!
Jukia is interested to experiment with different processing techniques and fermentation extensively in the coming months.
Most of the coffee grown in the Alur Highlands of north-west Uganda is SL14, a variety developed by Scott Laboratories in Kenya and promoted by the Uganda Coffee Development Authority. There is also some Bourbon, which comes from nearby DR Congo, where it dominates.
1250 meters
Jukia got an upgrade with an electronic color sorter helping them speed up the processing time yet it is doesn’t' replace the meticulous care these women offer to sort the final defects the machine misses. They have never had an office at Jukia factory until now, thanks to Grounded investment, they are now building a new two storey office that will also act as central meeting place, cupping lab and training facility.
Access our cupping report by clicking on the link below
The price you pay for Jukia's naturals p/kg. We agreed on this price directly with the farmers, disregarding the volatile US Coffee C price.
The microstation buys red cherries from the farmers. Jukia microstation is owned by Zombo and they mainly focus on processing the coffees that come in from the various microstations until they are export grade. Jukia also buys cherries from the farmers in the neighborhood. They specialize in fermenting the coffees and also experiment with other processing methods. Further, they also develop other grades of coffee that are lower in quality than specialty through sorting. These coffees allow Zombo to increase their offering and reduce the waste (coffees that would normally be discarded for not meeting quality requirements). For grade B and triage, the break down is structured as before and after FOB to capture current reality.
Grade B - community lot (washed FOB) : €5,02
Grade B - community lot - natural FOB : € 5,02
Triage - community lot - washed FOB : €3,66
Triage - community lot - natural FOB : €3,66
Zombo mills the coffee at Jukia hill and then sorts it to export grade. Further, they are also responsible for all the processes involved in exporting the coffee from Uganda to the Netherlands.
International shipping from Nebbi (Port of loading - Mombasa, Kenya) to Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is inclusive of freight, customs, insurance and warehousing costs.
Average financing cost owed to (mostly social) lenders. This ensures immediate payment to the farmers when the coffee leaves the farm or port.
A standard TSU premium on all coffees designated exclusively to accelerate farmers’ own regenerative agriculture project. Another € 0.06 is included in the final price as part of the basic income project being carried out at Zombo coffee partners in cooperation with Eight Network and This Side Up. Read more about this project here
This Side Up compensation for spending time and resources importing this coffee. Our work includes year-round contact with producers, managing export, shipping, import, warehousing, grading, sampling, finding and keeping roasting partners for Zombo. € 1,65 is This Side Up’s Model 1 markup. For a full overview of our modular margin construction, see the Trade Models page
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You may use these images freely to promote Jukia’s coffee amongst your customers.