autonomy at its best

Zombos' growth, year after year, reflects on the number of microstations that join the project and the improvements in quality and processing. It also reflects on other, less tangible assets, like trust. Trust among the microstation members, trust from the member towards Andy and Aggrey, and trust from the foundations and organizations that support this growth.

Leda is one of the first micro-stations that joined the project back in 2015. Although decisions are taken collectively, Ramada, Wilfred, and Grace run the microstation. Leda has never produced high volumes, but their quality has always been outstanding. This year, members quickly adjusted to an unforeseen challenge: cherries, usually sundried, were not put in the sun for several days and were left, instead, in a one hundred percent shaded drying shed. The coffee was becoming moldy and Andy, together with cooperative members, quickly reacted: Andy provided thirty drying trays and advised its members to build some drying racks, which they did--in one day. Andy also urged the members to stop producing naturals and make some washed coffee as well. Two days later, when Andy returned to the station to see how everything was going, he was gladly surprised to taste a fruity and sweet coffee; farmers were busy producing the wash. This anecdote truly reflects the intricate autonomy that makes Zombo so unique.





1,506 metres above sea level.



Leda was one of the original three microstations constructed by members back in 2015, under a TWIN project funded by Oxfam. 



Fully-washed. The red-ripe cherry coffee is harvested by the farmer and brought to the microstation the same day. It is inspected and if necessary hand-sorted for defects, then immersed in water to remove floaters. It is then weighed and a buying note is issued to the farmer, along with cash payment. The cherry is pulped on the same day as it was delivered.

Natural: coffee is harvested, hand-sorted and floated. Instead of being pulped like a “washed” coffee, it is dried inside the cherry.  It takes more time and more space than washed coffee to produce a good natural.  That means considerably more investment by the microstation in drying space, and Zombo helps with this. Coffee then dries in full sun in the first few days. The women then deliver their cherry coffee to the microstation as individuals, and it is processed separately. 


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