Ambe — This Side Up

sell together, grow together - coffee through community

Ambe microstation was built in 2019 when the farmers wanted to come together so they can have greater access to the market. Their partnership with Zombo made it easier for them to access this market information.

Ambe microstation has different pillars that strength their vision. At a household level, they want to use the income from coffee to send their children to school. They want to learn more about rest of the value chain in great detail. Working together has improved their morale and it has other advantages such as saving schemes, more participation from women in the community. They believe they can reap the benefits of these initiatives by sticking together as a collective. Zombo's community based consultants have been supporting the microstation through training and capacity building.

This group also faces it's challenges together. One of the key issues in this locale is the lack of fences and not having enough financial resources to buy and build them. This triggers intruders to steal the coffee from storage which is a major threat especially with limited yield due to extreme weather change. They also lack good pruning equipment which slows them down. All these challenges are connected directly to the lack of finance during the off season that limit the group from making infrastructure improvements.

Despite these obstacles, their love for coffee has inspired them to keep growing this crop. Thanks to income from coffee, their children can attend school. It has enabled them to by land, food. They also love drinking coffee which continues to spark the interest for them to grow it.



Most of the coffee grown in the Alur Highlands of north-west Uganda is SL14, a variety developed by Scott Laboratories in Kenya and promoted by the Uganda Coffee Development Authority.  There is also some Bourbon, which comes from nearby DR Congo, where it dominates. 


1480 meters


This group encourages women to produce coffees and is complimented by the trainings regarding various aspects of gender dynamics in the coffee value chain by Vivian and her team as part of the future proof coffee collective.






Access our cupping report by clicking on the link below

Zombo - Ambe microstation lot - washed


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You may use these images freely to promote Ambe’s coffee amongst your customers.
