“Yes,  growth can happen by coming together as a family.” Eber Tocto 

When Eber Toco returned to Churupampa after learning about coffee in other regions, he already had a clear vision of his goal. One day, he would make the Chrupampa region an exemplary model of agroecology and circular agronomy. One day, farmers would stop seeking better opportunities in the city or the coast. He would create self-sufficient estates and promote sustainable agronomic practices.

As a boy, Eber and his family lived in a 3 by 3 house, with two beds for 4 brothers and an outside kitchen made of sticks. In most seasons, his father would come out in debt, and to pay this debt, he would travel to the city during the off-season. So, when Eber returned home with new and experimental ideas, his father wondered how something like this could work?

Most of his brothers were scattered throughout the country then, some on the coast, some in the city, working low-paying jobs and long hours. One by one, Eber called them and asked them to return. His father, however, took a lot of convincing. Eventually, he agreed to start a pilot project with his sons, so for this first season, they sold 40 bags. Thanks to their acute business mentality, they always reinvested their money and grew exponentially.

Today, the Tocto family's achievement is a national example of how entrepreneurship, respect for local farming traditions, circular thinking, and direct roaster relations can completely change rural livelihoods. Since 2011, the coffee farming community in Chirinos has done away with the subsistence coffee farming mentality and steadily created a strong, quality-focused brand: their innovative processing and independent quality control lab ensure that they can make beautiful coffees that are sought-after yearly by the specialty market - up to now mainly in the US.


Meet the farmers of our 2024-2025 import from Churupampa.

 Finca Churupampa exports about 110 coffee containers yearly and works with 320 producers from Chirinos.

Three families

seasonal workers: 28
trees: 52,000
hectares: 22
bags bought: 195

Neftali Santos

seasonal workers: 6
trees: 23,000
hectares: 10 (only 6 for coffee)
bags bought: 40

Walter Corrales

seasonal workers: 8 to 12
trees: 9,000
hectares: 2
bags bought: 40

A value chain like this is the pinnacle of independence for a smallholder coffee farm. Churupampa simply hires the services of a dry mill and is fully in charge of the export process, offering their coffee not from the farm gate, but from the port (FOB Paita), making our lives as importers very easy.


Typica, Caturra and Pache



1,600 - 1,900 metres above sea level.


Churupampa is not just a farm, it's a social business model which the Tocto family continuously expands, not only in Chirinos, but in nearby areas, such as Pariamarca. They continuously  upgrade their techniques and facilities, while offering technical and processing assistance to the farmers members.  They also expand their plant renovation schemes, with organic fertilisation and composting methods. Their coffee is organic and Fair Trade Certified.


Fully washed and double fermented - using a hand pulper, coffees are pulped and fermented in tiled tanks for about 12-24 hrs depending on weather. They are then washed and fermented again for the same amount of time. Coffees are then washed again and graded in channels. Parchment is dried on raised beds covered in plastic. This drying technique is absolutely vital to counter the heavy rainfall and high humidity that characterises harvest months in Chirinos


  • La Lima microlot - fully washed

  • Cordillera Andina microlot - fully washed

  • 83+ Basic Blend - fully washed


2017: farmers who produced our two lots installed a small drying station (structure + raised beds) on their farm to dry their parchment and extend the drying from 6/7 days on the patio to about 25 days of slow drying, which considerably extends the shelf life of the coffee. 

2018: exchanged knowledge of Churupampa’s superbly circular coffee system into the TSU network at the Producer Crossover in Amsterdam in June.

2019: imported the first 83+ coffee from Churupampa - but retaining a relatively similar premium, an experiment to appeal to roasters on a budget.

2020: through our partnership with the Tocto family, farmers from Churupampa can better understand their margins and re-invert into their estates. Many other farmers confirm the desired quality in their lots and micro-lots, making the previous years' efforts tangible. Thanks to circular agriculture practices, many producers were prepared for the pandemic. We significantly increased our Churupampa supply this year. 

2021: thanks to the positive response from the European market, Churupampa continues to expand its circular agronomy practices. Their training scheme takes a new direction: they now work with entire technified plots from zero, adding 50 new plots every year, from the 280 families they work with, every year. 

2022: an unpredictable challenge arises when we face quality issues on the entire shipment. After openly discussing this unfortunate mistake with our partner, Lenin flew to our Regenerative Crossover event in Milan during the summer, where he openly explained the quality control challenges in the factory. Several conversations occurred between Lenin and a few affected roasters in this gathering. Throughout this experience, Churupampa perfected its quality control standards: a bigger warehouse was built to have enough space to store and prevent unwanted mixtures from happening, and, what's more important: the coffee is now being processed in another mill: Café Selva Norte, located in Jaén. According to Eber Tocto, this processing plant is one of the best in the region. Besides this, an industrial engineer was hired to verify quality standards.

CONTACT Churupampa

Lenin Tocto Minga is the manager of Finca Churupampa, shoot him an email to find out more about their coffee and impressive sustainability measures. Our communication is solely in Spanish.


CONTACT Lenin Tocto Minga


TEL  +51 949 605 978




Chirinos, San Ignácio - Cajamarca, Perú

Photo Gallery:

You may use these images freely to promote Finca Churupampa.



Known for the Andes mountain range, and for its incredible number of microclimates (28!), Peru is probably one of the best suited countries in the Americas to grow specialty coffee. Coffee was introduced as early as in the 1700s, but only at the beginning of the last century  the country started to play a prominent role in global coffee exports. This surge in export was consequent to a large loan repayment scheme which handed Britain over 2 million hectares of land that was quickly converted into British owned coffee plantations. 

Fast forward to more recent times, the old coffee plantations have been divided and re-distributed among the local population, giving rise to a small, fragmented and yet vibrant coffee sector.  For decades, the country focused on strengthening the sector and organising farmers in smallholder coffee cooperatives to increase production, with a major focus in fair trade and organic production. This effort led Peru to rise the ranks of leading export countries – and leader in organic production. However, it also posed limits to creating the adequate infrastructure to produce high end specialty coffees. In the 2000s, while neighbouring countries started to pay attention to the specialty coffee market in search of premium and added value, Peru struggled to strike its own balance between ‘volume’ and ‘quality’.

Luckily, this is no longer the case today. More producer groups are investing in quality. The Tocto family took it upon themselves to radically change the way they were growing coffee by establishing a new coffee farming model based on principles of sustainability and quality. Their farm, Finca Churupampa (a Quechua word, ch’uru means "snail" and pampa means "plains") quickly became a shiny example of how to integrate agronomic best practices, focused on healthy plants and soil nutrition, and enhancing quality, focused on planting the right varieties and investing in proper processing and drying infrastructure. Quality control is also not new to them. Eber – one of the founders of Finca Churupampa – was one of the first Peruvian cuppers to become Q certified over ten years ago. Lot separation and quality evaluation is routine work at Finca Churupampa. 

Our first two lots from the Churupampa farm landed in February 2018. We are extremely happy with how these two lots are cupping: the two of them together represent the true best of what we feel Peru has to offer: bright, clean (clearly very well processed) dark chocolate notes, full, creamy body, sweet and blackberry acidity. In February, Sara went to Peru again and met with the two main producers of both lots. They are both planning to invest in composting and microorganisms this year, and our premium will help towards that.

Between  2018 and 2019, we doubled our order from Churupampa and added a basic organic blend that is aimed at the same segment as our Brazil Capricornio Signatures and Nicaragua SHG blends. We’re happy to say that roasters in Europe are starting to value the deep chocolate notes of Peruvian coffees as the basis of a blend in the same way the US has for years. At the same time, the La Lima lot has gained more following because it has the above qualities combined with a fruit kick that makes it very suitable for an elegant filter coffee.

In recent years, our partners experimented several challenges, high conventional coffee prices made it difficult for them to stabilise, however as Walter Corrales says “ prices were up this year, but it’s one year out of 60 that something like this happens, my question is: what are we doing in the long run?”. Besides this we faced an unprecedented challenge when we discovered an entire batch of coffee from our partners had quality issues and took this opportunity to carefully analyse their quality standards. After long conversations and discussions between Lenin, us, and also some affected roasters, the matter partly clarified. It's also great to know that this issue helped them improve their quality processing, change factories, and hire an industrial engineer. 



blend in

Our blends scoring 82 and 83 come from 3 regions in Peru - Chirinos, Chota and Cutervo. These coffees are produced by farmers who are technically advanced in their production methods The incoming parchments are separated based on their quality, cupped and categorized to their respective cup scores. Churupampa has a clear overview of the farmers that contribute to this blend every year making this line fully traceble. Further, they invest in these farmers to educate them about the best regenerative practices making the entire process of this product line highly collaborative.



Paches, caturra, catimor


1400 - 1600 MASL


Churupampa works with farmers who are advanced in adopting regenerative farm practices. The qualities are reflected through the steps taken to extensively recover the soil. In 2024, since the droughts are rampant in Peru, Churupampa has been aiding these farms by asking them to work the pelletized organic fertilizers developed to aid the water retention in the soils.


Selective hand picking of cherries, pulping, followed by fermentation. Depending on the altitude of the farm, fermentation lasts between 8-30 hours. Once the mucilage is separated, it is washed with water, spread on drying beds. Depending on the climate, temperature it takes between 8-15 days . After the desired moisture is reached and coffee is fully dried, quality control is performed on these coffees. It is sorted and storied according to the different qualities.



Access the reports directly for these 2024 coffees through these hyperlinks.

Basic blend 83+

Basic blend 82+

  • The price you pay for blends which are washed coffee p/kg. We agreed on this price directly with the farmers, disregarding the volatile US Coffee C price.

  • The farm gate is calculated based on the cost of production to produce green coffee export grade along with a margin which is then sold to Churupampa. The farmers receive this entire amount which is exclusive of the export fee.

  • Churupampa is responsible for exporting the coffee from Peru to Rotterdam. This fee includes quality control, training farmers on good agricultural practices and coordinating the entire export process. This year, Churupampa had to reduce their margin because of the steep increase in the local market prices in Peru and less coffee due to the drought. In order to keep the coffees affordable for all, it was necessary for both the farmers and Churupampa to adjust their piece of the pie.

  • International shipping from Paita, Peru to Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is inclusive of freight, customs, insurance and warehousing costs.

  • Average financing cost owed to (mostly social) lenders. This ensures immediate payment to the farmers when the coffee leaves the farm or port. Based on the new pricing of TSU, this financing is inclusive all the services provided by This Side Up.

  • This Side Up compensation for spending time and resources importing this coffee. Our work includes year-round contact with producers, managing export, shipping, import, warehousing, grading, sampling, finding and keeping roasting partners for Blends by Churupampa. € 1,65 is This Side Up’s Model 1 markup. For a full overview of our modular margin construction, see the Trade Models page


Contact lenin tocTO MINGA

Lenin speaks Spanish only but is very active on Whatsapp. He’s always keen to receive visitors and talk about coffee and special requests.

TEL : +51 937 594 403





Cordiella similar to La Lima but is on the other side of Chirinos making the flavor profile more intense, creamier and full of dried fruits. Cordiella is led by producer named Edwin Gomez who considers himself a serious farmer and adopts technically advanced methods of coffee production. The entire community is very open to help from Churupampa to improve their qualities with a focus on regeneration. Our coffees comes from Neftali Santos and his family in Cordiella.



Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor, Paches


1700 MASL


Due to the drought, there was very little yield both in La lima and Cordiella. Churupampa is working with them to create solutions for irrigation. One idea that they have formalized is with issue of fertilization by using fertilized manure for water retention. They work with farmers to have a stronger agroecological landscape. They are aim to do rain water harvesting so they can make use of this water in the dry periods for irrigation.



Selective hand picking of cherries, pulping, followed by fermentation. Depending on the altitude of the farm, fermentation lasts between 8-30 hours. Once the mucilage is separated, it is washed with water, spread on drying beds. Depending on the climate, temperature it takes between 8-15 days . After the desired moisture is reached and coffee is fully dried, quality control is performed on these coffees. It is sorted and storied according to the different qualities.



Access the reports directly for these 2024 coffees through these hyperlinks

Cordillera andina microlot - washed (bio)

  • The price you pay for Cordiella washed p/kg. We agreed on this price directly with the farmers, disregarding the volatile US Coffee C price.

  • The farm gate is calculated based on the cost of production to produce green coffee export grade along with a margin which is then sold to Churupampa. The farmers receive this entire amount which is exclusive of the export fee.

  • Churupampa is responsible for exporting the coffee from Peru to Rotterdam. This fee includes quality control, training farmers on good agricultural practices and coordinating the entire export process. This year, Churupampa had to reduce their margin because of the steep increase in the local market prices in Peru and less coffee due to the drought. In order to keep the coffees affordable for all, it was necessary for both the farmers and Churupampa to adjust their piece of the pie.

  • International shipping from Paita, Peru to Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is inclusive of freight, customs, insurance and warehousing costs.

  • Average financing cost owed to (mostly social) lenders. This ensures immediate payment to the farmers when the coffee leaves the farm or port.

  • A standard TSU premium on all coffees designated exclusively to accelerate farmers’ own regenerative agriculture project. Read more about the regenerative projects that is going to be carried by Finca Churupampa in the community

  • This Side Up compensation for spending time and resources importing this coffee. Our work includes year-round contact with producers, managing export, shipping, import, warehousing, grading, sampling, finding and keeping roasting partners for Cordiella Andina. € 1,65 is This Side Up’s Model 1 markup. For a full overview of our modular margin construction, see the Trade Models page


Contact lenin tocTO MINGA

Lenin speaks Spanish only but is very active on Whatsapp. He’s always keen to receive visitors and talk about coffee and special requests.

TEL : +51 937 594 403





La Lima located in Cacerio with elevation of 1700 and 1800 MASL is home to highly technical producers like Walter Corrales. Flavours native to La lima are typically characterized as floral, aromatic and highly intense. The technological development in the last few years in that area has made this coffee attractive in the market. With a potential for achieving high qualities, Walter Corrales, his cousins and brother in laws are responsible for the coffees you taste from La lima.



Catimor, Caturra, Pache


1800 MASL


Due to the drought, there was very little yield both in La lima and Cordiella. Churupampa is working with them to create solutions for irrigation. One idea that they have formalized is with issue of fertilization by using fertilized manure for water retention. They work with farmers to have a stronger agroecological landscape. They are aim to do rain water harvesting so they can make use of this water in the dry periods for irrigation. 


Selective hand picking of cherries, pulping, followed by fermentation. Depending on the altitude of the farm, fermentation lasts between 8-30 hours. Once the mucilage is separated, it is washed with water, spread on drying beds. Depending on the climate, temperature it takes between 8-15 days . After the desired moisture is reached and coffee is fully dried, quality control is performed on these coffees. It is sorted and storied according to the different qualities.


Access the reports directly for these 2024 coffees through these hyperlinks

La lima microlot - washed (bio)

  • The price you pay for La Lima p/kg. We agreed on this price directly with the farmers, disregarding the volatile US Coffee C price.

  • The farm gate is calculated based on the cost of production to produce green coffee export grade along with a margin which is then sold to Churupampa. The farmers receive this entire amount which is exclusive of the export fee.

  • Churupampa is responsible for exporting the coffee from Peru to Rotterdam. This fee includes quality control, training farmers on good agricultural practices and coordinating the entire export process. This year, Churupampa had to reduce their margin because of the steep increase in the local market prices in Peru and less coffee due to the drought. In order to keep the coffees affordable for all, it was necessary for both the farmers and Churupampa to adjust their piece of the pie.

  • International shipping from Paita,Peru to Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is inclusive of freight, customs, insurance and warehousing costs.

  • Average financing cost owed to (mostly social) lenders. This ensures immediate payment to the farmers when the coffee leaves the farm or port. Based on the new pricing of TSU, this financing is inclusive all the services provided by This Side Up.

  • A standard TSU premium on all coffees designated exclusively to accelerate farmers’ own regenerative agriculture project. Read more about the regenerative projects that is going to be carried by Finca Churupampa in the community

  • This Side Up compensation for spending time and resources importing this coffee. Our work includes year-round contact with producers, managing export, shipping, import, warehousing, grading, sampling, finding and keeping roasting partners for La lima € 1,65 is This Side Up’s Model 1 markup. For a full overview of our modular margin construction, see the Trade Models page

Contact lenin tocTO MINGA

Lenin speaks Spanish only but is very active on Whatsapp. He’s always keen to receive visitors and talk about coffee and special requests.

TEL : +51 937 594 403




yours sincerely, ESWIN

Eswin, the youngest of the Tocto brothers flirted with coffee farming when he was 17 and ended up abandoning it because it was no longer profitable. Eswin went to work in Lima and was asked by his brothers to join their family business in 2017. They told him how it was going to be different this time, they were already profitable and their aspirations were centered around having a good quality of life for the entire region. With a certain hesitation, Eswin decided to give this a try but was ready to go back to his life in Lima if it was not going to work out in his favor. He quit his job and joined Churupampa.

Over time, he learnt how to modernize his farm, improve his technical know how’s which eventually led him to produce high quality coffee. He became profitable and was able to enjoy being closer to his roots. His thirst for better quality drove him to research about different varieties, yield, steps to be taken in combatting bad quality. His passion for the community made him share his achievements and woes transparently with anyone he met. He was becoming a profitable farmer and a businessman because of his farm.

In fact Lenin and Eber ask any new producers they want to work with to first meet them at Eswin's farm. They feel this would set the precedent of how they invest in serious farmers, Being a model farmer for the youngsters in his region, he has been able to show case how well his quality of life and livelihood has changed, thanks to his hard work!



San Antonio, Borbon rosado, Mashel, Borbon cidra


1450 MASL


Eswin manages his coffee plantation very well. He has keen entrepreneurial mindset, diligently crafting thorough budgets, investment plans, and cost analyses to ensure sustainable profitability and business growth. Normally producers in that area have a quality/cup score between 81 or 82 but with Eswin he can comfortably push up the quality up to cup score of 86 which is truly a reflection of all his hard work.



Selective hand picking of cherries, pulping, followed by fermentation. Depending on the altitude of the farm, fermentation lasts between 8-30 hours. Once the mucilage is separated, it is washed with water, spread on drying beds. Depending on the climate, temperature it takes between 8-15 days . After the desired moisture is reached and coffee is fully dried, quality control is performed on these coffees. It is sorted and storied according to the different qualities.



Access the reports directly for these 2024 coffees through these hyperlinks

Eswin tocto microlot - washed (bio)

  • The price you pay for Eswin’s washed coffee p/kg. We agreed on this price directly with the farmers, disregarding the volatile US Coffee C price.

  • The farm gate is calculated based on the cost of production to produce green coffee export grade along with a margin which is then sold to Churupampa. The farmers receive this entire amount which is exclusive of the export fee.

  • Churupampa is responsible for exporting the coffee from Peru to Rotterdam. This fee includes quality control, training farmers on good agricultural practices and coordinating the entire export process. This year, Churupampa had to reduce their margin because of the steep increase in the local market prices in Peru and less coffee due to the drought. In order to keep the coffees affordable for all, it was necessary for both the farmers and Churupampa to adjust their piece of the pie.

  • International shipping from Paita, Peru to Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is inclusive of freight, customs, insurance and warehousing costs.

  • Average financing cost owed to (mostly social) lenders. This ensures immediate payment to the farmers when the coffee leaves the farm or port. With the new pricing model, this reflects the price for Stock Purchase.

  • A standard TSU premium on all coffees designated exclusively to accelerate farmers’ own regenerative agriculture project. Read more about the regenerative projects that is going to be carried by Finca Churupampa in the community

  • This Side Up compensation for spending time and resources importing this coffee. Our work includes year-round contact with producers, managing export, shipping, import, warehousing, grading, sampling, finding and keeping roasting partners for Eswin. € 1,65 is This Side Up’s Model 1 markup. For a full overview of our modular margin construction, see the Trade Models page


Contact lenin tocTO MINGA

Lenin speaks Spanish only but is very active on Whatsapp. He’s always keen to receive visitors and talk about coffee and special requests.

TEL : +51 937 594 403





We have two nanolots in our offering this year. Parimarca and Queromarca. Parimarca has a lot of experience growing crops other than coffee such as potatoes, barley, wheat and legumes. Churupampa is now working with a wave of newer producers in that region and offering them technical assistance in their transition to coffee. The changes do not just stop with the crops, it also is evident in their culture. 10 years ago they did not grow coffee now they are actively changing the entire agricultural landscape by planting coffee. Presently Churupampa works with producers in an around Parimarca including Lima offering their services for those who are interested to be coffee farmers.

Queromarca which is located in province of Cutervo is underrepresented for it's agricultural prowess. In 2022 when Churupampa discovered Queromarca, not many companies were working with the producers from this region. They were simply producing and selling to the local market. Churupampa was interested in working with a particular family in Queromarca - Silva Cubas who was a pioneer in this region. When Lenin and Eber met him for the first time, they thought it was just going to be Silva and his two brothers who will work with them but his family was much bigger than that. 20 producers who were all from the same family showed up to that meeting. All of them have moderinized their farms, specializing with planting climate resilient varieties native to the area to combat issues around soil regeneration.



caturra, paches, catimor


2100- 2300 MASL


In the Parimarca region, there is an opportunity to move from mining to coffee. It is possible to reduce the economic dependance on mining and redirect their efforts into coffee farming making it both social and ecologically sound. At Queromarca, farmers are investing in modernizing their farms to keep them operational for the next 40 years atleast and the Silvia family hope their children, grandchildren will keep producing coffee. More than 70% of the producers working with Churupampa in these regions are young making the prospects of this region attractive



Selective hand picking of cherries, pulping, followed by fermentation. Depending on the altitude of the farm, fermentation lasts between 8-30 hours. Once the mucilage is separated, it is washed with water, spread on drying beds. Depending on the climate, temperature it takes between 8-15 days . After the desired moisture is reached and coffee is fully dried, quality control is performed on these coffees. It is sorted and storied according to the different qualities.



Access the reports directly for these 2024 coffees through these hyperlinks

Pariamarca - microlot

Queromarca - microlot

  • The price you pay for Cordiella washed p/kg. We agreed on this price directly with the farmers, disregarding the volatile US Coffee C price.

  • The farm gate is calculated based on the cost of production to produce green coffee export grade along with a margin which is then sold to Churupampa. The farmers receive this entire amount which is exclusive of the export fee.

  • Churupampa is responsible for exporting the coffee from Peru to Rotterdam. This fee includes quality control, training farmers on good agricultural practices and coordinating the entire export process. This year, Churupampa had to reduce their margin because of the steep increase in the local market prices in Peru and less coffee due to the drought. In order to keep the coffees affordable for all, it was necessary for both the farmers and Churupampa to adjust their piece of the pie.

  • International shipping from Paita, Peru to Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is inclusive of freight, customs, insurance and warehousing costs.

  • Average financing cost owed to (mostly social) lenders. This ensures immediate payment to the farmers when the coffee leaves the farm or port.

  • A standard TSU premium on all coffees designated exclusively to accelerate farmers’ own regenerative agriculture project. Read more about the regenerative projects that is going to be carried by Finca Churupampa in the community

  • This Side Up compensation for spending time and resources importing this coffee. Our work includes year-round contact with producers, managing export, shipping, import, warehousing, grading, sampling, finding and keeping roasting partners for Cordiella Andina. € 1,65 is This Side Up’s Model 1 markup. For a full overview of our modular margin construction, see the Trade Models page


Contact lenin tocTO MINGA

Lenin speaks Spanish only but is very active on Whatsapp. He’s always keen to receive visitors and talk about coffee and special requests.

TEL : +51 937 594 403