India, immense yet underrated as a coffee origin. With easily the most specialty robusta knowledge in the world, and with an astounding array of beautiful arabicas, it’s time India’s dedicated coffee producers take center stage.

Komal and Akshay are a special combination of farmers and exporters who experiment passionately with coffee processing and have deep, trustful relationships with surrounding estates and smallholder farmers. This makes them our hub to the amazing coffees Coorg has to offer.



local partner : South India Coffee Company
contact : Komal Sable
email :
tel : +44 7816 863557

download contracts and shipping documents


partner since: 2020
total kgs bought : 43.766
% of capacity (2022-2023): 40%
farmers and workers represented : 60
our price vs local alternative: + USD 0,42 / kg
impact projects jointly started: 1