a development heart lives forever

Mary Tonje was a social worker from when she was 25 years old. Nothing changed even when she started farming coffee in her late 70’s. During the 90’s, everyone in Kitale was growing maize, Mary had just bought a piece of land to build her own house when she was just 25. An aspirational woman, with a developmental heart translated to her working towards actively supporting many different organizations whose main focus included community development as well advocating for empowering women through education. She strongly believed that uplifting women in families will also help the children prosper. She was a single mother, she raised 3 daughters who studied and got good jobs to move abroad. As she was growing older, she continued to work in several different capacities in the public sector that included being a teacher for a brief while. In 2002, she had a neighbour called Sogomo who was an extremely passionate coffee farmer. He was the last remnant of an indigenous tribe that was forced to leave Kenya. He positively influenced Mary to see coffee had a great potential. He told her it could be a tool for her to go global and pointed out she could also have similar experiences as her daughters who were all abroad. Mary aspired to go global. She too wanted to earn in dollars for the work she had been doing and decided she would plant coffee. In 2015 having been introduced to Gloria and rest of the NORT women through her daughter Annie, Mary was determined to take the risk and was on a mission to become a global presence. Her daughters were still wondering how their mother was going to manage it all alone in Kitale. They were puzzled by her determination to start something this big in her 70’s. Neverthless she persisted in her dreams. She mostly employed women in her farms and her development heart aided her in letting her community also proposer from coffee, like she would one day.

Evelyn, also known fondly as Mama Kahawa found Mary and joined her in this coffee journey. She took care of the farm and employed a group of women along with her who would go around to work on neighboring coffee farms. Mary and her family knew it was important for Evelyn to be supported so she could reach a certain socio-economic development which would simply create a ripple effect of empowerment through Evelyn in the community. In 2020, they had their first harvest and she was the first partner Gloria wanted to onboard under the Sakami banner for TSU. Mary earned her dollars for her coffee through this powerful partnership, enjoyed the fruits of her labour.

She didn’t stop there, Mary had a spirit for innovation, she envisions a farm that is capable of having many different varieties native to Kenya grown and exported. She also wanted to work on different processing methods. She had set up a nursery with coffee saplings that they distribute locally to engage the youth in coffee production much more actively. She gave back in different ways to the community.

Unfortunately she passed away last year creating a huge void within her family and the community.

Her work, ideas and legacy continue to live because of her family taking up coffee farming after her. Her children and grandchildren have been actively involved several aspects of the business and together with Mama Kahawa, Mary continues to remain a global presence.



Ruiru, Batian, K7


1800 meters above sea level


The Tonje family has set up a nursery where they disribute different varietials and make coffee farming attractive for the youth in the region. Collins and his brother also volunteer at school for blind frequently and support with many activities including teaching children IT. They also share produce from their farm with the school. They have 10 permanent workers and employ up to 30 workers during harvest season. For some of them, they help them paying school fees for their children. They are also expanding their farms by planting new coffee farms that include K7 variety.



Washed : Cherries are floated and heavies which were grouped as P1 . They are fermented over night, pulped, washed and dried in temperature controlled environment until desired moisture levels are attained.


Browse through our Tastify Archives on Google Drive.

  • The price you pay for Tonje coffees p/kg. We agreed on this price directly with the farmers, disregarding the volatile US Coffee C price.

  • Since 2024 the new regulations in Kenya, coffee moves differently through the value chain. Here farmgate refers to the FOT contract Sakami farmers have received for their produce that also includes freight charges to drive it to the milling facility. The representative pie chart is for the washed AA coffees. This price covers farm gate and other costs farmers have incurred until dry parchment stage.

  • The coffee is then taken to the milling facility where farmers are charged for the milling, bagging them in grain pro. Additionally an export supervision fee is included in this category to capture the reality of having our partner Stean in cooperation with our farmers oversee the milling process. A standard fee that is split across the entire volume is added to the exporting costs.

  • International shipping from Mombasa, Kenya to Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is inclusive of freight, customs, insurance and warehousing costs.

  • Average financing cost owed to (mostly social) lenders. This ensures immediate payment to the farmers when the coffee leaves the farm or port.

  • A standard TSU premium on all coffees designated exclusively to accelerate farmers’ own regenerative agriculture projects. .Read more about the regenerative projects done by Tonje family here. (Link coming soon).

  • This Side Up compensation for spending time and resources importing this coffee. Our work includes year-round contact with producers, managing export, shipping, import, warehousing, grading, sampling, finding and keeping roasting partners for Sakami. € 1,65 is This Side Up’s Model 1 markup. For a full overview of our modular margin construction, see the Trade Models page

Contact Tonje Family

After Mary’s passing, Annie has taken over communication at Caravianel Coffee. You can reach her via phone and Whatsapp.

TEL : +61 437 156 858


Photo gallery

You may use these photos freely to promote Tonje’s coffee amongst your customers.