✓ a true webshop.
We have always been amazed that PDF offer lists are still the standard in our industry. Why would you not be able to order coffees as you order anything else online? We carefully built a custom webshop that accepts iDeal, Bancontact, credit card and bank transfers.
✓ all available coffees at a glimpse.
Everything that we have in stock and everything that is available for presale in origin is visible on a single page. All the quantities you see here are aligned with what is actually available and instantly updated when altered. No surprises.
✓ reserve coffees free of charge.
To ensure year-round stock of your preferred coffees you can reserve coffees free of charge, both in origin and from stock (future and spot). In either case, you have twelve months from the date they arrive in Rotterdam to call them off.
✓ personalised portal.
When you log into your portal, you have access to your reserved coffees and can have any number of them sent to you when you want. You also have access to all your invoices and full coffee order history for your own record keeping.
✓ forecast your future purchases.
The portal also features a unique planning spreadsheet that allows you, given a certain projected growth, to forecast your future requirements of coffees. We work closely together with you to ensure our orders from origin are matched with your needs early in the season.
✓ track incoming shipments.
At the bottom of the webshop there is a shipment tracker and a monthly updated harvest calendar, allowing you to stay updated on expected arrivals. Additionally, we frequently update the ETA listed underneath each origin in the preorder section.
✓ detailed cupping information.
Apart from simple taste notes, all coffees feature a full Tastify report, as well as moisture levels and (soon) water activity levels. On the coffee profiles, we collect a full cupping report history of previous years for you to see and compare.