To chose coffee every day
“This is my company, this is my livelihood”.
Neftalí Santos
From the very heights of Cordillera Andina, Neftali watches the never-ending landscape, and between its healthy and well nourished trees, Neftalí Santos works every day, happily. "Every day, I choose coffee," he shares, "and it gives me so much satisfaction to offer it to the world." Raised by his grandparents in a coffee estate, it was not until after he lost them that his commitment to coffee became solid, like a rock. "There was no one else willing to take on the responsibility" he says.
The father of two is managing a fully agroecological estate, and thanks to his long friendship with Eber, he's been fully invested in specialty coffee since 2016. "I really trusted Eber, and when, one day, he showed up in my house and offered to buy my entire production, I became a Churupampa member." Later on, thanks to his long friendship and partnership with Eber, he quickly found himself fully invested in the project.