personal coffee passport


Your coffee: a 100% arabica from Peru and Brazil


FARMS: Finca Churupampa SAC

LOCATION: Chirinos, San Ignácio - Cajamarca, Peru

CULTIVARS: Typica, Caturra and Pache

EXPORTER: Churupampa has own export license

IMPORTER: This Side Up Coffees

ROASTER: Local roasteries (see below)


About churupampa

When Eber Toco returned to Churupampa after learning about coffee in other regions, he already had a clear vision of his goal. One day, he would make the Chrupampa region an exemplary model of agroecology and circular agronomy. One day, farmers would stop seeking better opportunities in the city or the coast. He would create self-sufficient estates and promote sustainable agronomic practices. Churupampa is not just a farm, it's a social business model which the Tocto family aims to expand, the last years to 30 neighbouring farms in their town of Chirinos. Some of the upgrades include better processing facilities, plant renovation schemes with the introduction of new varieties, new drying techniques with plastic covered raised beds to secure stable and uniform drying despite seasonal rainfalls. In a normal season, the quality control team cups around 4,000 samples. Not one lot goes uncupped! This coffee is also Organic and Fair Trade Certified. Today, the Tocto family's achievement is a national example of how entrepreneurship, respect for local farming traditions, circular thinking, and direct roaster relations can completely change rural livelihoods.



FARMS: Mulheres do Café Matão

LOCATION: Norte Pioneiro do Paraná

CULTIVARS: Catuaí, Mundo Novo

ALTITUDE: 600 - 1,400 meters above sea level

EXPORTER: Capricornio Coffees

IMPORTER: This Side Up Coffees

ROASTER: Local roasteries (see below)


Back in 2013, these smallholder fazendas in Matão, in the north of the Paraná state, didn’t look quite the way they do today. The farms produced for the commodity market, the returns were small, and the focus was on making ends meet. When the local agricultural association presented a program for diversity and promotion of agricultural products, the women - all being part of the same local soccer team - met over a cup of coffee and decided that this is something they could do as well - this was the start of the Mulheres Do Café do Matão. They started off small and their round table meetings in the local football canteen were key in forming statutes such as equality in say: regardless of size, those with one hectare have as much to say as those with ten hectares of farmland. Three years in, the group came on the radar of Capricornio Coffees, who were impressed by the coffee quality, organisation and motivation of this group, and especially that they achieved this level without any thorough agronomical education. With visits of the Capricornio agronomist every 60 days to discuss what needs to happen in which season, coffee quality has been going up every year. The journey of these twenty-two women has just begun...


Coffee specs

what to taste for

Aroma: thick sugary caramel, cacao nibs

Body: full mouthfeel

Acidity: blueberry, dried fruits

Aftertaste: full-bodied chocolate creamy aftertaste

PROCESSING your coffee

The Brazilian coffee is a pulped natural. The combination of altitude and processing results in a jammy, red fruit profile, with lots of sweetness and a dark chocolate backbone. The excellent treatment of the Signature lots give it unrivaled consistency in quality and flavor, year after year.

The Peruvian coffee is washed and double fermented - using a hand pulper, coffees are pulped and fermented in tiled tanks for about 12-24 hrs depending on weather. They are then washed and fermented again for the same amount of time.


The coffees are roasted by local roasters, like Lucifer in Eindhoven, Spot On in Amsterdam and Maalwerk in Delfzijl. The roast time is around 8 minutes to achieve a light roast. After the first crack, the coffee is quickly finished, to keep the citric fresh tastes in the cup, whilst also making space for the full bodies chocolates.



the price you pay:
€19,25 per kg

€5,60 per kg

The price farmers receive for growing, processing and exporting their coffee. The coffee is a 50-50% blend of Peru and Brazilian coffees. Proof of payment below.

€1,00 per kg

Shipping from Congo and Brazil to the Netherlands. Including freight, customs, insurance and financing costs.

€1,25 per kg

Remuneration for for importing the coffees. This includes warehousing charges, quality control, financing, and regular contact with the producers, all to be done by This Side Up Coffees.

€0,40 per kg

Transporting coffees from warehouse to roastery.

€4,50 per kg

Roasting fee of roasters like Lucifer and Maalwerk for roasting the coffees. This includes a roasting loss (evaporation) of 18-20% per kg.

€6,50 per kg

Fee that Rondje Koffie calculates. This includes coffee machines, maintenance, customer support and delivery.


When you treat your partners as equal entrepreneurs and pay them accordingly, you’re proud of this relationship and you might as well show it all. Attached the buying contract for the three farms, which correspond to the prices allocated to the farmers + exporting partners in the three respective countries. A little legenda:

  • €1,00 is $1,00 (2022-2023 parity)

  • 1 kg is 2,2 lbs (American pound)

To establish a good public benchmark, we used the criteria put out by the advice of RVO, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency:

“During the entire term of the Agreement, the coffee producer shall at all times receive at least the applicable Fairtrade Minimum Price per pound minus 25% + the applicable Fair Trade Premium per pound + the applicable Organic premium per pound (Organic Differential) + the additional RWS premium per pound (towards a living income) of ad. $ 0.30.”

Taking this calculation, for the arabica coffees (in this case both Congo and Brazil) we have a Fairtrade Minimum Price of $1.40/lbs, minus 25% + the applicable Fair Trade Premium ($0.20/lbs) + the applicable Organic premium per pound ($0.30/lbs) + the additional RWS premium ($0.30/lbs) = $1.85/lbs or €4.08/kg.


peru, finca churupampa (COOP) WITH OWN EXPORT LICENSE - arabica

2023/2024 HARVEST

Paid price (in contract) of $2.50/lb for the fully washed La Lima coffee from Finca Churupampa. This amount is paid directly to the cooperative, which has its own export license. Converting to euros, this is €5.51 per kg.


2023/2024 HARVEST

Prices are represented in per bag price, respectively $340,20 per 60 kg. This equals a price of €5.67 per kg.

Pictures can be used for personal marketing purposes.